Tuesday, July 14, 2015


How does each possible solution for your chosen issue meet or fail to meet each of your criteria? Explain. Beach nourishment is the first solution examined, the issue lies within the cost of the project overall, if you consider that this solution is not a permanent one and needs periodic trials of the addition of sand to the beach, the cost adds up- thus increasing taxes to cover the expenses. The next solution would be breakwaters, the issue with breakwaters is that they are very unattractive to investors as well as beach-goers and they lower the overall value of property there, in addition to this- the breakwaters also disrupt the natural habitat of the beach and inhibit animals from moving freely. Lastly, beach walls are a solution with several flaws in it's design; beach walls erode over time due to waves crashing up then sucking sediment into a gaping hole that is created under the sea wall, this will in turn will erode the sea wall itself rendering it useless.  2. 
Based on your research, which is the best solution to turn into action? Explain why you made this choice over the other possible solutions. Refer back to the criteria and externalities. 
The best solution in mind would be beach nourishment, it upholds the natural beauty of the beach, keeps the habitat for the animals, is able to be replenished, the demand for artificial sand and workers creates jobs, and the overall appeal of the newly refurbished beach brings investors and tourists. Unlike the other two options, this solution provides a more aesthetically appealing project, this allows investors and tourists to flood into the area. Not only does it bring in tourists, but animals as well- sea turtles and birds are able to nest in areas they were previously unable to due to erosion. Overall this solution is the best because it is the most rewarding in the long run, and has the least disadvantages. 

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