Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What is Coastal Erosion?

           Coastal Erosion can be defined as a process in which land (coast, beach, etc.) is constantly being worn down by tidal waves, wind, or other actions.
It has become a major issue in the United States as Coastal Erosion erodes away the beach,some of the negative externalities include the destruction of habitat as well as tourism. Many areas have resorted to man made projects such as seawalls or beach nourishment to temporarily resolve the issue- these projects are conducted by local and state governments and require tax fees in order to fund.
One of the main reasons this is such a large issue is poverty, the coast protects thousands of homes from hurricanes, tidal waves, and winds; with the erosion of these natural barriers homes can be easily damaged in the event of a storm, and paying off these expenses has become too much for many residents.
As Florida residents ourselves, it is necessary for us as citizens to take care of our beaches, the first step is to stop interfering with natural habitats such as the coastline, the introduction of man-made structures disrupts these natural barriers; in addition to this, encourage your children to not touch plants at beaches, sea grasses as well as sea grapes take root in the sand keeping it firm, preventing it from easily blowing away.
In conclusion, it is necessary to protect our coastlines, as in the event of a storm they are the first line of defense for our homes and our citizens.

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